Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Yay!!! Ash and I spent the day today at walmart and d.i. and walmart and kmart and walmart looking for costumes!!! We spent hours trying to figure out what to be and what to do!!! Well... we finally decided that we would be ballerinas and we made our own tutus and they are SOOOO STINKIN CUTE!!!! Im not even joking for a second!! AHHH!!! Im so excited!! Pictures are to come for sure!!!!


katie said...

I tagged you! Go to my page to see what to do!

mb said...

my dearest, I wish Iw as there with you...I miss you

Chandler Myers said...

Alise! I'm so glad to see you have a blog!!! I will add you to my friends list! Love you girl. Let's do something sometime.

Unknown said...

Alise!! I just found this, you are too cute!!

Those that Love