Monday, May 11, 2009

Book Binding!

So I am taking a book arts class and have to learn a book "structure" on my own that I can teach the class! Here are just a few that I have found!! The covers and extra decorations can be what I want them to be... I'm just looking at the stitching/ way it is bound!! Let me know what you think or which ones you like the best! I'm having trouble deciding (as always)!!!


The Cobabes said...

i like the third and the last ones. =]

mb said...

the second picture and the red one.

katie said...

I like the one with the ribbon (third one down) So cute! I want to take that class!!!

Hayley said...

My Vote is for the greenish one...the binding is kinda elasticy lookig or something. The others I have seen before but that one (for me) is unique. Love you Sherp and good luck!

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